/ adjust pixels at a time count for mousewheel Mousewheel.system_scroll_override.enabled Mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled / adjust multiply factor for mousewheel
There is just one main adjustment to be made: 5 - good for either a mouse or a trackpad in 1080p, feel free to increase it in 4K (10-20) or decrease it in 768p and/or some trackpads (1-5). iron, steel and other metal industries / economics / general. Speaking of keyboard smooth scrolling, it still has performance issues in v85 despite the workarounds used. Many translation examples sorted by field of work of smooth scroll. Much easier to achieve it via the keyboard instead, if you tap arrows steadily, around 3 times per second. Contiguous smoothing is still limited by the number of notches you can scroll at once, wheel type and dexterity.
Double click on general.smoothScroll to set it to true.Or else just install add-on smoothwheel. subprefs like // control some of the animation // timing. indicates whether or not a scroll with // origin Lines will be animated smoothly, and e.g.
Acceleration kicking after the 4th notch can be annoying at times, but won't impact users smashing the wheel. QUOTE Firefox Jerky ScrollingIf anyone having a jerky/stuttering/lagging when scrolling a webpage in Firefox, here's a fix.Type in " about:config" in Firefox (address bar) and enter general.smoothScroll under filter. Clamp, // The following scroll origins also are associated with prefs of the form // general.smoothScroll.The attorney generals argue that Floridas law will harm LGBTQ+ youth. Moss special interpolation algorithm can make every mouse roll as smooth and silky as possible Uncheck 'smooth-scroll list boxes' then click Apply and OK Method 2: Open Control Panel and look for Mouse Smooth scrolling has gotten a lot easier smoothScroll to set it to true Best smooth scrolling extension for Firefox Best smooth scrolling. Effortlessly smooth or fast when you need it. All in one smooth scroll Featuring, this week: The plight of LGBTQ+ Afghans. Do more, and scrolling gets accelerated proportionally, while still smooth and fully trackable. Natural Smooth Scrolling aims for smoothness at a slow pace and typically 1-3 notches at once. It's as if all these engineers grow up with apple's 2-button mouse and still haven't learned to use a wheel. There is only a narrow interval for contiguous smoothing and even that is too fast and tiresome for reading. Do more, can't even track content anymore. Do less notches at once or at a slower pace, and it stutters. Smooth scrolling implementations in firefox, edge and chrome feel unintuitive, unergonomic and annoying.